THE FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY AND WEEK A DAY OUT, PICNIC TO CAPE FREHEL, FORT LALATTE... DEPARTURE 9H30 BACK 17H30 YOU CAN ALSO BOOK YOUR WEEKEND. DO NOT HESITATE TO INFORM YOU! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEEKS FOR THE SCILLY'STHE SCILLY'SSome photographs taken on site SOON ON LINE.. DEPARTURE from ST MALO the SATURDAY 16H 36H of NAVIGATION FOR SCILLY'STHE SCILLY'SSome photographs taken on site (AS WINDS!) Monday Tuesday Wednesday ANCHORAGE IN THE BAYS, PUB VISIT ... Thursday BACK TO ST MALO FRIDAY NIGHT ARRIVAL
Embark the time to a day for a picnic at two hours to sail from Saint-Malo on the beautiful islands Hébiens
or a good seafood restaurant and swimming at Cézembre.